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Hello, my name is Kaitlyn Lackey and I'm so excited to be a partner of Scout's Legacy Service Dogs and provide support to the amazing dogs who do so much for their handlers to improve their lives.


In Stride Chiropractic strives to provide you the following:​

1) Holistic alternatives for pain relief

Ever been told your only options are medication and/or surgery? That's just no longer true. Chiropractic is a natural and safe option that can stop pain, promote healing, and encourage long lasting wellness. (No harmful side effects included!)


2) Wellness promotion

If a dentist didn't tell you to brush between appointments, what kind of doctor would they be? A negligent one! Maintenance is the key to prolonged and lasting health. Consider the fact that all mammals use their spine each and every day. You can always get new teeth, you cannot get a new spine. Staying on a routine maintenance schedule can improve quality of life and promote lasting vitality.


3) Natural performance enhancement

When the body is functioning at its peak, it's amazing what it can do! Through gentle adjustments, we can restore the brain's ability to communicate with all the muscles, cells, tissues, and organs so your athlete can perform at their best... naturally!


NHR PEMF Services

Offering Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy to Humans, Equines, Canines, and Exotics as well as Equine Osteopathy. Covering Weatherford, Texas to the Louisiana border and beyond.

The Jordon Lenamon Foundation

Jordon Lenamon was a beautiful, 25-year-old who tragically took her life on April 26, 2020. This foundation was created to honor her memory, assist others that suffer from mental illness and help with the prevention of suicide.  Her foundation will award grants to organizations that share this mission. 


We are so honored at Scout's Legacy to have the support of this foundation to help grant some of our clients with the support of affording their Service Dogs. Thank you does not cover everything they have done for us! 


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Growing companies cannot do it all themselves, and we find that the help we receive from Wallace Accounting is the best! 



Fetch DFW

FETCH DFW is an organization who raises funds for a Service Dog for woman of domestic violence. We love being apart of their  team to help them with training a dog for their deserving participants.


Figz Poodles and Service Dogs

Figz and Scout's Legacy have joined together on some projects to help more people! We are so thankful that Figz saw the value of dogs we train and the work we put into our program, and we are thrilled to be that backup support system to them and their program! Scout's Legacy breeds Golden Retrievers as their main Service Dog focus breed, but many clients would benefit from other breeds, so making these connections is well worth it for everyone involved. 

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