Harley is a 45 pound American Staffordshire Terrier. This sweet baby is AMAZING. She is so willing to take on new challenges and work for whatever you give her. She came to us from a rescue and we are so proud of everything she has accomplished. She is a new graduate as a Psychiatric Service Dog and keeps thriving in her job. We are Team Harley's biggest cheerleaders!! Harley had to go into sudden retirement when she lost her handler to her disabilities. The loss of our client and friend took a hard toll on us as a company and on little Harley. She will be happy living out her life with her handlers family and giving them the peace and jot she once gave her person <3 <3 Rest in Peace to our sweet friend <3 <3
Dog Breed:
American Staffordshire Terrier
Black and White
June 5, 2017
CGC Date:
October 26, 2019
Graduation Date:
CGCA Date:
Oct 26, 2019
CGCU Date:
Oct 26, 2019
PAT Date:
Nov 18, 2019